HCH Talks

HCH Talks


HCH Talks is a podcast about health tech innovations making health services even better. The podcast is provided by Health Capital Helsinki, your guide into the Greater Helsinki health ecosystem. Tune in to get insights and case stories from Finland - global leader in digital health and famous for its high-class healthcare.

Categorias: Salud

Escuchar el último episodio:

Finland, the nation of the mobile gaming industry, is an excellent laboratory for piloting new ways of working in the healthcare industry. The country with endless forests and far too cold winters has an innovative startup scene and an educated population accustomed to using digital services. Get on and find out how this small laboratory can help you in testing your new business models and then leverage them on the world market.

Episodios anteriores

  • 1 - How the nation of Angry Birds combats Covid-19 with Digital Care Pathways? 
    Wed, 01 Jul 2020
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